Love Yourself - Justin Bieber

Ringtones Category: English Ringtones


Download the Love Yourself (ringtone) free mp3 song on your phone, this ringtone is made famous by Justin Bieber in the category English ringtones. Love Yourself (ringtone) lyrics are for the love couple.

The music of Love Yourself is a combination of Ballad tunes with throbbing sounds. All make up an emotional song. The song is softer, deeper. Justin Bieber’s vocals in this song are markedly “ripe”, making the listener easy to sympathize.

Love Yourself ringtone

Lyrics: Love Yourself (ringtone) – Justin Bieber.

‘Cause if you like the way you look that much
Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself
And if you think that I’m still holdin’ on to somethin’
You should go and love yourself

And when you told me that you hated my friends
The only problem was with you and not them
And every time you told me my opinion was wrong
And tried to make me forget where I came from

And I didn’t wanna write a song
‘Cause I didn’t want anyone thinking I still care. I don’t
But you still hit my phone up
And, baby, I’ll be movin’ on
And I think you should be somethin’ I don’t wanna hold back
Maybe you should know that

My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone
And I never like to admit that I was wrong
And I’ve been so caught up in my job
Didn’t see what’s going on
But now I know
I’m better sleeping on my own

‘Cause if you like the way you look that much
Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself
And if you think that I’m still holdin’ on to somethin’
You should go and love yourself.

All of the Justin Bieber ringtones from this collection is free for you to download on iPhone and Android. Share with your Belieber friends right now. Don’t forget to tell us which song is your most favorite.

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